Friday, January 28, 2011

Happy Babies!

I highly recommend this game!  The kids love it, AND it's a good workout!
Playing the Wii

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

 Baby Lane is VERY proud of herself!  She has been trying for weeks to climb in the toy basket all by herself and she finally did it!

Baby Rylee chillin' in her bed!  She even had her little bare feet crossed!

Ice Cube Painting

 Put paint in an ice cube tray.  Cover it with foil and then poke popsicle sticks in each cube space.  Let freeze for 24 hours.  Make sure to take them out of the freezer about 5 minutes before the kids use them.

Saturday, January 8, 2011


This stuff is so cool!  It melts in your hands, but it also feels hard to the touch!  GREAT for sensory!

Recipe for Slime:

1 16oz. box of cornstarch
1 1/2 cups water
food coloring

In a large bowl put in cornstarch.  I add the coloring to the water and then dump it in.  You have to knead it to get it to mix together.  It has such a weird texture, but the kids love it!
Snow Cones

"Magic Snow"

Thursday, January 6, 2011

More Spaghetti, I Say!

Baby Lane LOVES Spaghetti!

Rylee is wrapped up like a burrito!  She starts at one end of the blanket and holds onto it and rolls and rolls!  It's hilarious to watch!
Trying to figure out how to get the toys out of the box!