Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Ducks in the water

Playing with Ducks in the Water

Dirt Pudding

Dirt Pudding

You will need:

Clay Flowerpot (clean)
Chocolate Pudding
Graham Cracker Crumbs
Gummy Worms

Fill the pot with pudding.  Have the kids crush their own graham crackers and sprinkle on top.  Pick two gummy worms and poke in the top.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Such a big girl on the Bounce and Spin Zebra!

Dog Biscuit Recipe

Dog Biscuits

Recipe for Dog Biscuits

You will need:
2 c. whole wheat flour
1 Tbsp. baking powder
1 c. peanut butter
1 c. milk

Mix ingredients.  Refridgerate dough for an hour.  Roll out and cut shapes.  Bake at 375 degrees for 15-20 minutes.
The kids had fun making these for their dogs!
Dinosaur Eggs

Recipe for Dinosaur Eggs

You will need:
1 1/2 c. flour
1 c. dried coffee grounds
1/2 c. salt
1 1/2 c. water
1/4 cup sand

Mix ingredients in a bowl.  I got this recipe from the book Alphabet Fun For Little Ones.  It's really not a good recipe.  When you mix the ingredients together it's really sticky not doughy.  So I slowly added more equal amounts of dry ingredients until it was a playdough consistency.  Then the kids made the egg shape and hid their dinosaur inside.  It takes days for these to dry.  YES, days!  When they dry, the kids should be able to "dig" the dinosaurs out using little tools of some sort.  I thought putting them in the oven on a low temp. for awhile would help dry them out faster, but it baked them, so the kids couldn't dig the dinosaurs out because they were baked in.  BUMMER!  But I just thought I would let everyone else know!  Cute project,when it's done right! 

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Ta - Da!

The amazing Baby Lane!  She thought she was something when she flipped over that basket and climbed on top!  She was laughing and clapping her hands!

"See Rylee, this is how you do it!"
Doing Yoga

Mixing Colors with Shaving Cream

Making Patterns With Noodles