**** Morning Preschool Program ****
This is something new I am offering for ages 3 - 5 years. It is from
8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. It will include breakfast, a.m. snack, and
lunch. We will also be doing a circle time, art, sensory, and outdoor
play. The cost is $20 a day or $25 for full day (4+ hours). I am
requiring a 2 or 3 day commitment and pick-up must be by 12:00 p.m.
(unless committing to full day). I prefer drop-off at 8:00 a.m., so
that way we can stay on a good schedule and none of the activities will
be missed. If you know of anyone looking for just a half day preschool
program for their child, please let them know I have it available!